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Agatha’s Tears Dark Gin

Regular price $89.99

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Kaimai Brewing & Distilling Co. - Waikino, Waikato, New Zealand

Style - Contemporary
700ml | 42% ABV

Juniper, Angelica Root, Cardamom, Cubeb Berry, Cinnamon, Horopito, Coriander Seed & Ginger. 

This contemporary gin is named after the Waikino Hotels resident spook. Agatha was the Madam at the hotel in the early 19th century and she still roams the halls keeping a careful  eye on the patrons. Robust botanicals, including cardamom, cubeb berries and horopito combine to create a taste sensation on the tongue and a lingering, spicy finish. She’s black in the bottle, blue in the glass and pink when you drink, just add tonic to watch the magic.

Kaimai Brewing and Distilling started out as a hobby and grew into a passion. They say every brewer wants to grow up to be a distiller and this has certainly proved true with the owners – Wayne and Kathy Chowles. The journey started some years ago and over time, with many hours reading, learning and experimenting, they arrived at the point where they could call their work “fine spirits”.

Inspired by old stories of the gold mining era and Wayne’s background in the mining industry, they embarked on an adventure, to create a hand crafted/single batch gin which would celebrate the heritage of the area in which they live, the land, the people and the history of the Karangahake Gorge and surrounding areas. Their gin is proofed with pure artisan spring water and infused with a range of locally and internationally sourced botanicals which combine to create a truly unique flavour.

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